Articles by: Sarah Craig

For Houston School Survey

A Case for Montessori Education

Opinion November 23, 2014 at 8:30 am

The Montessori Method of education is a common alternative to the traditional classroom structure. It emphasizes “the development of the whole child” and allows students independence to learn at their own pace and in their own way. A Montessori classroom is decentralized and open, and multiple grades are typically combinedRead More

Hour of Code Will Bring Comp Sci into Houston K-12 Classrooms

Hour of Code Will Bring Comp Sci into Houston K-12 Classrooms

To most of us who aren’t computer scientists, programming seems like a daunting prospect. We know that our computers, tablets, and phones could not function without vast quantities of code, but we couldn’t write that code ourselves – we couldn’t even make sense of it if we read it. WithRead More

What You Should Know About President Obama’s ConnectED Initiative

What You Should Know About President Obama’s ConnectED Initiative

It’s been a big week for President Obama with the announcement of his executive action on immigration. This hot-button new policy and the buzz surrounding it have eclipsed many other national policy issues for the moment, so you may not have heard much about what else the President has beenRead More

Houston an Exception to High Turnover Rates of Urban Superintendents

Houston an Exception to High Turnover Rates of Urban Superintendents

Education News, HISD, Policy, Research, & Analysis November 20, 2014 at 8:30 am

HISD superintendent Terry Grier has held his position since September of 2009 – five years. In that time, he has implemented the Apollo 20 program to help the district’s lowest performing schools; he has implemented stricter regulations on magnet status eligibility for schools; and he has presided over considerable upgradesRead More

HISD Schools to Audit Fine Arts Instruction for Compliance with State Policy

HISD Schools to Audit Fine Arts Instruction for Compliance with State Policy

Education News, HISD, Schools November 19, 2014 at 8:30 am

Under the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS), all students are required to be taught music, theater, and the visual arts. It is not mandated that all of these be taught by specialists; in some cases, it is acceptable to integrate them into standard classroom instruction. Many Houston-area school districtsRead More

For Houston School Survey

Learning about Learning Differences

Health & Science, Learning Differences, Recommendations November 18, 2014 at 10:28 pm

One in twenty K-12 students has a diagnosed learning disability – or learning difference, to use the term now preferred by many educators. The distinction may seem trivial, but it captures an important truth. A learning “disability” implies that one is less capable of learning; a learning “difference,” on theRead More

Study Finds Play is Important for Kindergarteners’ Learning

Study Finds Play is Important for Kindergarteners’ Learning

Health & Science, Policy, Research, & Analysis November 17, 2014 at 10:47 pm

Even at the early childhood and kindergarten level, many parents associate the idea of “a good education” with structured, skills-focused instruction. Kindergarteners must learn their letters, numbers, and colors and build the foundations that they will need for all future schooling; that is the point of kindergarten, is it not?Read More

New Guidelines Suggest Screens Not Always Bad for Toddlers

New Guidelines Suggest Screens Not Always Bad for Toddlers

Policy, Research, & Analysis, PreK, Technology November 16, 2014 at 9:36 pm

Parents of toddlers and pre-kindergarten kids: do you let your kids watch TV? And what about using iPads? In the media-driven world of the 21st century, many children grow up with digital screens. These media are so ubiquitous – and, indeed, so useful for keeping children occupied – that itRead More

Where to Find the Money for your Kids’ College Tuition

Where to Find the Money for your Kids’ College Tuition

College November 15, 2014 at 9:52 pm

There are three ways of paying college tuition fees: 1) grants and scholarships (from the government, the school, or outside organizations) that need not be repaid; 2) student loans, which typically come with steep interest rates; and 3) financial support from the student’s parents. Option 1 is not equally availableRead More

HISD Student Congress Will Represent Pupils’ Perspective on District Policy

HISD Student Congress Will Represent Pupils’ Perspective on District Policy

Education News, HISD November 14, 2014 at 11:44 pm

In last night’s meeting, in addition to approving the plan for the Arabic immersion magnet school, the HISD board also addressed a proposal that could impact students across the district. The board voted 7-0 to recognize a group called the HISD Student Congress as a representation of the voice ofRead More

Chromebooks Edging Out iPads in the Classroom

Chromebooks Edging Out iPads in the Classroom

Goods for Teens, Technology November 13, 2014 at 11:40 pm

Perhaps the biggest trend in K-12 ed tech right now is the movement toward providing students with tablets and/or laptops for use in their schoolwork. Many of Houston’s best private schools provide this technology for their students, and under HISD’s PowerUp Initiative, Windows laptops will be made available on aRead More

For Houston School Survey

Op-Ed: Balancing Your Child’s Success and Your Sanity

Opinion, Recommendations November 12, 2014 at 11:25 pm

You probably have an opinion on “helicopter parenting” – the ever-vigilant, ever-helpful parenting style practiced by many in America and around the world. Some people feel strongly that helicoptering stifles children’s independence and their ability to think and learn for themselves, but others would say that a certain amount ofRead More

Catching and Preventing Math Difficulties Early On

Catching and Preventing Math Difficulties Early On

Health & Science, PreK November 11, 2014 at 10:04 pm

There are many unique stresses associated with being the parent of a toddler – from the terrible two’s to the first day at preschool and beyond. One such stress comes from watching your children’s first steps into education. Will they be adequately prepared by the time they get to kindergarten?Read More

Why is Homework Important for Elementary School Children?

Why is Homework Important for Elementary School Children?

Opinion, Recommendations November 10, 2014 at 10:23 pm

Many parents of younger elementary school students wonder whether their children’s homework is really necessary. Should my child really be devoting this much time to spelling worksheets? Can’t we let kids be kids until they’re just a little bit older? In a recent Huffington Post op-ed, entrepreneur and mother Kate SolomonRead More

New York Times Publishes List of Best Illustrated Children’s Books

New York Times Publishes List of Best Illustrated Children’s Books

Goods for Young Children, Recommendations November 9, 2014 at 10:15 pm

It seems like the holiday marketing season has come earlier than ever this year. If the relentlessly cheery music already playing in department stores has inspired you to start thinking about Christmas gifts, you may be interested in the list of the 10 best illustrated children’s books of 2014 recentlyRead More

All-Time High for HS Graduation Rates

All-Time High for HS Graduation Rates

Education News, Recommendations November 8, 2014 at 10:25 pm

In American high schools, dropout rates are at an all-time low, and graduation rates are at an all-time high. 86% of the class of 2014 graduated successfully, while 7% dropped out. Graduation rates for Latino students, in particular, have risen dramatically. In yesterday’s The Atlantic, writer Janie Boschma discussed thisRead More